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Harvest Appeal 2022

Each year in Taney, we ask parishioners to make a special donation to a nominated project as a Thank Offering, not just for the gift and bounty of Harvest, but for all the Blessings we receive from God’s hand on a daily, weekly and on-going basis.
This year, we are asking for your generosity for the replacement of the light fittings in the Minor Hall. The existing lights are somewhat obsolete and are beginning to disintegrate. It is hoped to replace the current fittings with more eco-friendly LED lights. There is also an issue with water ingress in the Church Bell Tower and your contribution will be greatly appreciated. It is our hope and prayer that we can start building a fund in preparation of these works.
Please return your donation to the Parish Office. This can be done in various ways:
• Put your envelope (marked Harvest Appeal) in the Collection Baskets in the church porches on a Sunday morning.
• Post your contribution and the slip in the addressed envelope provided. (Please do not send cash through the Post.) Cheques should be made payable to ‘Taney Parish’.
• Drop the envelope and slip into the Parish Office during Office hours. (9.30am – 1.30pm, Monday to Friday)
Contact the Parish Office (298 5491) and make your donation using your credit or debit card. Please do remember that your contribution will be added to your regular church giving for ‘tax back’ purposes (provided your total financial contributions exceeds €250 in a calendar year). We are extremely grateful to all our parishioners for your on-going support, particularly at this difficult time.
Thank you!