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Chancel Guild

Update Spring 2024

The Chancel Guild would like to thank everybody who helped us with decorating both our churches at Christmas Christmas. I'm sure you will all agree Christ Church Taney and St Nahi's looked beautiful! Thank you for your donations of Poinsettias in memory for your loved ones. We would like to send our condolences to a dear member member, Mildred Beattie, on the very sudden loss of her husband. Frank was a beloved husband, father and grandrandfather, and a friend to a many of us in the Parish. Our condolences also go to Judy on the passing of her mother, Marjorie Forde, who was a dear member of our Guild.

We will be decorating Christ Church and St Nahi's on Saturday 30th March at 10.00am. We would like to ask any parishioners who have Forsythia, Magnolia, tulips or any yellow flowers or greenery to please donate as we would really appreciate it. We look forward to seeing all our members on the 30th March. Anybody who would like to see us in action and feel they might be able to help help, please come along. A welcoming cuppa awaits you!

Jasmin, Lyn and Vera

Update December 2023

Thank you to everybody who helped decorate our churches for our Harvest Festival. Both our churches looked really lovelylovely, brimming with colour. Thank you to everyone for your donations of vegetables, fruit and hydrangeas. Christmas is getting close now and we will be decorating both our churches on 16 16th December at 10.00 10.00am Once again, we will be decorating Christ Church and St. Nahi s with PoinsettiasPoinsettias. If you would like to remember a departed loved one with a Poinsettia in our churches this Christmas, please leave an envelope marked ‘Chancel’ on the Sunday plate, with the name of your loved one and a donation of €10. Alternatively, please drop your envelope into the Parish Office. We will have a Remembrance list of names in both churches and your donation will be much appreciated. Please note that donations must be in by 18 18th December to go on the Remembrance list.

Gala Christmas Flower Demonstration.
Our Gala Christmas Flower Demonstration by Helena Morrissey was held on Thursday 23rd November We had an amazing turnout, with all proceeds going to the Parish. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and enjoyed our raffle and refreshments!
Jasmin, Lyn and Vera.

Update June 2023

Thank you to all who helped us decorate our Churches at Easter. We had a great turnout of members and friends, and we would like to welcome our new members. Thank you to everybody for your donations and help. We have an exciting event coming up in November with a Gala Christmas Floral Demonstration! I’m sure this will be very popular with the creatives among you! More details will follow nearer the time. We hope you all have a lovely summer. Enjoy and see you all for the Harvest Festival decorating in October.

Jasmin, Lyn and Vera.

Update December 2022

Thank you to everybody who helped decorate our churches so beautifully for Harvest Thanksgiving. How lovely it was to see so many members’ faces and to the new faces who joined us, you are so welcome! Christmas is fast approaching and in the last few years, we have decorated both Christ Church and St. Nahi’s in poinsettias in memory of our Departed Loved Ones. We would appreciate your support again this year, or perhaps you would like to donate towards the flowers in the churches at this time. We will have a list in Christ Church and St. Nahi’s of our Departed Loved Ones. (Only loved ones names will be on the list). This year, a donation of €10 per poinsettia would be greatly appreciated. You can put your donation in an envelope with names of your loved ones on the plate any Sunday or into the Parish Office before the Wednesday 14th December. Please address the envelope to the ‘Chancel Guild’. This is our only fundraiser and it helps us to decorate the churches for all the festivals during the year. We will be decorating Christ Church on Saturday 10th December at 10.00am and St Nahi’s on Saturday 17th December at 9.30am.

Update September 2022

Hello to all our Members! It’s been quite a while since we’ve been able to share news with you but finally, our churches are once again back in ‘full swing’, celebrating services, baptisms, weddings and others, including Confirmation. We would like to thank our members who have helped us out during the pandemic. ‘Usual Service’ has resumed and our flower list is getting back to normal. We are now looking for new members to join our team. The Chancel Guild is wonderful in that the skills of our senior members are constantly passed down to our new members, continuing the long tradition of proudly decorating our churches to enhance our worship. If this is something that would interest you, please come along on Saturday 1st October at 10.00am. We will be happy to answer any questions and show you what we do. No experience is necessary, just enthusiasm!
Last Christmas, we decorated our churches with poinsettias, in remembrance of our departed loved ones. This is our only fundraiser for the Chancel to help decorate the churches for all festivities throughout the year. The poinsettias looked so wonderfully festive and we would like to thank all those who supported us.
Luckily, we were able to decorate the churches for our Easter celebrations. It was also a great excuse for a coffee and a catch-up with each other and we also welcomed some new members to our team. We now set our eyes on the Harvest Festival in October, when the churches will be awash with colourful vegetables, fruits and grains, along with seasonal flowers and greenery. If you have anything suitable to decorate our churches at this time, please leave your donations into the appropriate church on Friday 30th September or the morning of Saturday 1st October.
Many thanks and keep safe.
Jasmin, Lyn and Vera