Taney Parish Primary School is a co-educational national school. It is also the parish school of the Church of Ireland parish of Taney, here in Dundrum.
There are 23 teachers and 417 pupils in Taney School in a double stream school with two classes at each level from Junior Infants to 6th Class. The school partakes in a wide range of activities including Green School and Active Flag activities - all of these can be seen in more detail on our website www.taneyschool.ie
The school is above all a happy school where pupils enjoy coming each morning - a caring community of adults and children, where each is valued for their own unique contribution and effort. Taney School has a long tradition of providing the widest range of opportunities for children from the arts to sport and crucially and centrally in the academic area.
Tel: 01-2985015
Email: secretary@taneyschool.ie
Useful Links |
The Anglican Church worldwide | www.anglican.org |
Badminton (Dundrum) | homepage.eircom.net |
Bible activities for children | www.bibleactivities.com |
Bible reading | www.scriptureunion.org.uk |
Bible Reading Fellowship | www.brf.org.uk |
Book of Common Prayer | www.justus.anglican.org |
Christ Church Cathedral | www.christchurchcathedral.ie |
Christian Aid | www.christianaid.ie |
Christian Renewal Centre for prayer and reconciliation | www.ywamrostrevor.org |
Church Music | www.churchmusicdublin.org |
Church of Ireland | www.ireland.anglican.org |
Church of Ireland Prayer Book | www.justus.anglican.org |
Church of Ireland Dioceses (All) | www.ireland.anglican.org |
Church of Ireland Gazette | www.coigazette.net |
Church Pastoral Aid Society | www.cpas.org.uk |
Corry Meela Community | www.corrymeela.org |
Crossroads | homepage.eircom.net |
Daily Bible Reading with Selwyn Hughes | www.everydaywithjesus.com |
Dublin/Glendalough Church Music Committee | www.churchmusicdublin.org |
Dublin/Glendalough Social Action Committee | www.socialaction.ie |
Eco Congregation Ireland | www.ecocongregationireland.com |
Glencree Reconciliation Centre | www.glencree.ie |
Hope Foundation | www.hopefoundation.ie |
Holy Cross Parish, Dundrum | www.dundrumparish.com |
Iona Community | www.iona.org.uk |
Irish Association of Change Ringers | www.bellringingireland.org |
L'Arche Community | www.larcheireland.org |
Methodist Union of Ireland | www.irishmethodist.org |
Methodist Church, Dundrum | dundrummethodist.com |
Ministry of Reconciliation in N.I. | www.restorationministries.co.uk |
Mothers’ Union | www.mothersunion.ie |
Our Lady's Hospice Harold's Cross | www.olh.ie |
Omey Group of Parishes Connemara | www.omeygroup.ie |
Pray On-line | www.oremus.org |
Jesuit Prayer Site | www.jesuit.ie |
Presbyterian Association of Ireland | www.presbyterianireland.org |
Protestant Aid | www.protestantaid.org |
Samaritans Purse: the umbrella organization for Operation Christmas | www.samaritanspurse.org |
Sunday School Society | www.sundayschoolsociety.ie |
Taize Community | www.taize.fr |
Taney Drama Society | www.taneydramasociety.com |
Taney Primary School | www.taneyschool.ie |
While Christmas is a time of happiness and celebration for many, there are also many for whom Christmas can be a time of financial distress. Throughout the year and at Christmas, many people receive some small help from Taeny Parish Rector's Discretionary Fund. That help is given not as a charity but to meet a real need at a critical time. If you need help or know of someone who is in need this Christmas, please contact the Rector.
By its very nature, the fund is confidential and is administered by the Clergy. Donations are received each year from parishioners and the parish towards this very necessary and much appreciated fund.
Please send your donation to the Rector (marked – Taney Rector's Discretionary Fund) via the offering plates or to the Parish Office.
Thank you.
© 2025 Taney Parish | info@taneyparish.ie | Design www.Tuttiwebs.ie | Privacy Statement |