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Welcome  Since the seventh century people have been gathering for worship in the parish of Taney near Dundrum in south Dublin. We invite you to browse our website to find out more about today's church community. Learn about our history, our two churches, Christ Church and St. Nahi's, and discover something of the activities and organisations which make up the daily life of a large and vibrant Church of Ireland (Anglican) parish. Please click here for details of all our services. You will receive the warmest of welcomes.

News Update Visit our News Update section for current weekly news and events. You can also browse our quarterly magazine Taney News to see a round-up of all the parish events and activities which took place during the last season.

Organisations and Activities Taney Parish Primary School, our Sunday School, Parish organisations and activities for all the community signal our commitment to the care of all our people, both young and old. We hope, as you link in to Taney Parish website that you get a sense of a thriving Christian community which cares for new-comer and native alike.

From whatever religious background you come - from any faith or none - please know you are always welcome. We encourage you to visit our wonderful churches to rest, to reflect, or to join us in prayer.

Please telephone the parish office on 01-2985491 or email us at


Taney Parish Centre Taney Parish Centre is situated in the grounds of Christ Church, on Taney Road, Dundrum, a few hundred metres from the Luas Bridge. The Parish Centre offers a wide range of facilities with a warm and friendly ambience with activities open to to everyone in the community. For Parish Centre information please contact the Parish Administrator on 01-2985491 or email us at




0830 - St. Nahi's - Holy Communion

1015 - Christ Church - United Service with the congregation from St Nahi’s and uniformed organisations 

1145 - St. Nahi's - No Service



Taney Parish is twinned with the Omey group of parishes in beautiful West Connemara

